The House of Fabergé workshop produced splendid jewelry of all kinds, but it was most famous for its exquisite jeweled “eggs,” produced almost exclusively for the Romanov Tsars of Russia. As few as 69 were ever produced before the overthrow of the Romanovs, making these eggs among the world’s most sought-after artworks. But now you can revisit this lost era and bring these priceless treasures to your gaming table with Blue Crown’s IMPERIAL.
The Imperial deck features 100% custom artwork inspired by Fabergé designs. Each suit takes a different historical inspiration: Hearts bear the Russian double-headed eagle, while Diamonds echo Russia’s dark forests, Clubs echo Greek mosaics, and Spades are influenced by Gothic architecture.
The custom court cards feature different egg designs, created by Randy Butterfield through Lightwave modeling software. The gorgeous tuck box boasts a gold foil interior.